Collection of Book Of Mormon Coloring Pages – Free Printable

Book Of Mormon Coloring Pages

Book of Mormon coloring pages are a fun and educational way for children and adults of all ages to learn about the scriptures. These coloring pages can be used to illustrate stories from the Book of Mormon, teach about important doctrines and principles, and help people develop a love for the scriptures.

There are many different types of Book of Mormon coloring pages available, including:

  • Character coloring pages: These coloring pages feature characters from the Book of Mormon, such as Nephi, Lehi, Alma, and Jesus Christ.
  • Story coloring pages: These coloring pages illustrate stories from the Book of Mormon, such as the story of Nephi building the ship, the story of the Three Nephites, and the story of the Savior’s visit to the Americas.
  • Doctrine and principle coloring pages: These coloring pages teach about important doctrines and principles from the Book of Mormon, such as faith, prayer, repentance, and baptism.

Book of Mormon coloring pages can be used in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Family home evening: Book of Mormon coloring pages can be used as a family home evening activity to help families learn about the scriptures together.
  • Sunday School: Book of Mormon coloring pages can be used in Sunday School to help children learn about the scriptures in a fun and engaging way.
  • Personal scripture study: Book of Mormon coloring pages can be used for personal scripture study to help people focus on the scriptures and develop a deeper understanding of them.

No matter how they are used, Book of Mormon coloring pages can be a valuable tool for learning about the scriptures and developing a love for them.